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Watering Guide
Search Criteria: Plant Type: Trees | Tree Height: 12 to 25 Feet | Leaf Season: Evergreen
African Sumac
American Arborvitae, Eastern White
Atlas Cedar
Australian Willow, Wilga
Black Tea Tree
Blackstem Pittosporum, Tawhiwhi
Blue Atlas Cedar
Blue Haven Juniper
Bushy Yate, Leymann's Gum
California Pepper, Mission Pepper
Carob Tree, Algarroba Bean, St. Joh
Carolina Laurel Cherry
Catalina Cherry
Coast Beefwood, Mountain She-Oak
Coast Silktassel
Common Flannel Bush
Compact Karo
Contorted White Pine
Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany
Douglas Fir
Dr. Hurd Manzanita
Dragon Tree
Dwarf Scotch Pine
Dwarf Tanyosho Pine
Fearnleaf Acacia, Bailey Acacia
Feather Bush
Flannel Bush, Fremontia cv.
Flaxleaf Paperbark
Flowering or Evergreen Pear
Golden Deodar
Golden Wattle
Hillside Creeper Scotch Pine
Hollywood Twisted Juniper, Hollywoo
Irish Yew
Italian Cypress
Japanese Black Pine
Jelecote Pine, Mexican Pine
Laurel Sumac
Leyland Cypress
Long-leafed Yellowwood
Majestic Beauty Flame Tree
Mayten Tree
Mexican Bird Of Paradise
Paperbark Tree, Cajeput Tree
Peppermint Tree, Willow Myrtle
Pineapple Guava, Feijoa
Pink Melaleuca
Pony Tail or Bottle Palm, Beaucarne
Princess Flower
Purple Hopseed Bush or Hop Bush
Purple Leaf Acacia
Red-Cap Gum
Silver Dollar Gum, Red Box Gum
Skyrocket Juniper
Southern Magnolia, Bull Bay
Strawberry Madrone, Marina Strawber
Strawberry Tree, Strawberry Madrone
Swan Hill Fruitless Olive
Sweet Bay, Bay Leaf, Grecian Laurel
Sweet Hakea
Sweet Orange cultivars
Tanyosho Pine, Table Mnt. Pine
Tarata Pittosporum
Threadleaf False Cypress
Tiny Towers Italian Cypress
Toyon, Christmas Berry, Calif. Holl
Umbrella Pine, Parasol Pine
Vanderwolf's Pyramid Pine
Weeping Bottlebrush
Weeping Sequoia
White Fir, Silver Fir
Yew Pine